Sraigtiniai kompresoriai

Universalus ir genialus.

Nepralenkiamai universalus. Šios dvi ypatybės išskiria AERZEN sraigtinį kompresorių iš kitų agregatų. Didžiausia tipų įvairovė. Daugiausia modifikavimo galimybių. Plačiausias priedų spektras. Ir dar daugiau argumentų, raginančių rinktis šias pakopas ir agregatus. Svarbiausia yra pasaulinės rinkos lyderio, nuolat gerinančio, atnaujinančio ir tobulinančio savo kompresorius nuo 1943., gamybinė patirtis.

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Screw Compressors Provide Continuous Air Flow and Pressurization

Screw compressors from AERZEN are designed to provide optimal air flow and pressurization at all times. Continuous air flow eliminates the need to stop operations in order to fill or change out air receiver tanks. Through deliberate design and engineering, intake and outlet openings in our screw compressors have been improved and pressure losses reduced, resulting in reliable achievement of the desired discharge pressure.

Screw Compressors Are Versatile and Flexible

The versatility of screw compressors makes them suitable for use in many applications that need reliably compressed air, nitrogen, and other neutral and special gases.

Oil-free screw compressors are especially suitable for applications where hygiene is vital such as medical and lab processes, food technology, transporting powder pneumatically, or bulk goods transportation in which the presence of oil or moisture could cause contamination. Power plants and the chemical industry also rely on oil-free screw compressors for the supply of pure air.

Generally, screw compressors provide a significant increase in performance and energy efficiency due to the reduced contact of moving parts, despite the better heat dissipation and sealing.For almost any process that demands high efficiency and durability, screw compressors perform well.

A Screw Compressor Provides Higher Performance and Energy Efficiency

A twin-screw compressor is a rotary compressor that compresses gas through the rotation of the twin-screw meshing rotors. The compression space gradually reduces, compressing the volume of gas.

This results in the production of reliable compressed air necessary for many industrial and other technological applications. In addition, with a twin-screw compressor, you experience:

  • Higher energy efficiency (lower energy consumption and heat production)
  • Higher reliability
  • Less wear and tear
  • Lower maintenance needs

Fewer Pulsations Means Less Noise

Twin-screw compressors are incredibly quiet when in use. They operate with reduced vibrations because they are enclosed in sound-inhibiting systems and have less contact between their moving parts. This creates fewer pulsations, which means less contact, less friction, and, hence, less noise.

In fact, in AERZEN’s dry-running screw compressors, the rotors never touch. Although some units produce approximately 60,000 pulsations per minute, our screw compressors are engineered to be as quiet as possible. 

Vibration Control and Monitoring

Unlike reciprocating compressors, some twin-screw compressor systems use a constant speed  frequency-controlled motor that reduces contact between moving parts. This system creates pressure pulsations that cause compressor vibration at the pulsating frequency but not as high as with reciprocating compressors. The reduced vibration results in quieter operation while a well-insulated sound hood helps to further reduce noise and vibrations.

However, the trend is towards frequency-controlled motors. Today we see about 60% of the compressors with a fixed speed and 40% with a frequency converter (= variable speed). Screw compressors can also have machine noises of >80 db(A) - here it is important to have good insulation in the form of a well-insulated sound hood.

Less Maintenance

Screw compressors are low-maintenance and energy-efficient because they have 70% fewer moving parts, which means less contact between parts, fewer oscillating forces, and less wear and tear. Screw compressors also have higher compression efficiencies because they don’t lose as much suctioned air.

A twin-screw compressor also enables a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and energy consumption due to the highly efficient screw compression process.

Perfect Noise Reduction

Twin-rotor rotary screw compressors have lower noise levels than reciprocating compressors due to their unique mechanics. These machines draw in a continuous flow of air, eliminating excessive pulsation. Twin-screw compressor technology is so quiet it can generate only 69 dB when in use, which is equivalent to the sound of an operating dishwasher.

Higher Compressor Power

Rotary screw compressors are designed to achieve higher airflow rates. This means they can run heavy-duty equipment or tools with high power at maximum efficiency while ensuring energy savings. They can do this because they compress air continuously with reduced pulsation, resulting in high efficiency at 80% load and low efficiency when partly loaded.

Safer Compressor Operation at Higher Temperatures

Most rotary screw air and oil-lubricated compressors can pressurize air in both low and high temperatures. This means they can run to 100 - 110 degrees Fahrenheit above room temperature without affecting performance.

In other circumstances, if a compressor room surpasses 100 degrees Fahrenheit, there are inherent dangers associated with the process. Namely overheating can lead to equipment damage that requires operational downtime to perform maintenance. However, these dangers are non-existent with a rotary screw compressor due to the built-in heat recovery mechanisms. Delta Screw Compressors from AERZEN, for example, can safely work at a room temperature in excess of 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

Easy Operation and Flexible Retrofitting Possibilities

Rotary screw compressors also have smooth belt drives in the 5+ generation, making it possible to install various belt pulleys that achieve a perfect operating ratio. This makes the screw compressor flexible should you need to make any changes in the future, eliminating the need to replace your compressor with a different model or a different gear box / transmission.

Belt drive maintenance is also low because the weight of the motor guarantees the correct tension every time. Due to the weight of the motor we have a self-tensioning system. Many of these machines also utilize electronic controls for higher precision and exact adherence to desired pressure ranges.

Furthermore, the housing on a rotary screw compressor has an integrated control panel, which allows you to arrange the units in space-saving configurations and perform regular maintenance for optimal operation.

Why Choose AERZEN Rotary Screw Compressors?

At AERZEN, we pride ourselves in being suppliers of rotary screw air compressor units that have demonstrated exceptional versatility suitable for every application since 1943.

Our rotary screw air compressors include options that are:

  • Suitable for compressing air, nitrogen, and neutral and special gases
  • Suitable for inlet pressure or vacuum operations
  • Direct or belt-driven
  • Dry-running or class zero
  • With or without pre-inlets 

When you choose AERZEN, you are choosing a top global manufacturer with the right compressor for every application. Our screw compressors guarantee the highest level of quality, reliability, ease of maintenance, energy efficiency, user-friendliness, and flexibility.

The result is a wide range of unique design features that, when compared to those of standard compressors, save a significant amount of energy and provide increased efficiency.

Ask the world's leading compressed air experts about the following compressed air systems to include rotary screws and other compressors:

  • Oil-Free Twin-Screw Compressors with Belt Drive
  • Oil-Free and Oil-Injected Process Gas Twin-Screw Compressors for Neutral and Aggressive Gases
  • Oil-Free and Oil-Injected Screw Air Compressor for Neutral, Special, and Inert Gases
  • Oil-Free and Oil-Injected Biogas Rotary Compressors


At AERZEN, we provide high-quality premium rotary oil-injected and rotary air compressors internationally acclaimed for their durability, reliability, and energy efficiency. When you contact us for a screw oil-injected or air compressor, you can expect high-value retention and low operating costs with units in different configurations, ensuring that you meet and exceed your highest operating criteria, environmental needs, and economic goals.

We provide varying configurations to suit your unique needs and ensure unparalleled customer support and industry warranties for your ease of operation and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about screw air and oil compressors, as well as other air compression technology. We are more than happy to answer your questions to enable you to make the right purchase.

Speak to our specialists today to learn how an AERZEN rotary screw compressor can enable seamless industrial and technological processes powered by a continuous pressurized air supply. In terms of quality, durability, ease of maintenance, safety, flexibility, and energy efficiency, AERZEN’s screw compressor, like all of our products, is undoubtedly in a class of its own.

Oil-free multi-stage screw compressor units series 2C

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
166 iki 9.300 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Oras , Neutralios dujos , special gases , inert gases
be alyvos

Tiesioginės pavaros „Delta Screw“ kompresoriaus agregatas

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Viršslėgis , Mažas slėgis
Srauto tūris
350 iki 15.000 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Oras , Neutralios dujos , toxic , explosive , combustible , corrosive , mixed
be alyvos

„Delta Screw“ kompresoriaus agregatas su diržine pavara

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Viršslėgis , Mažas slėgis
Srauto tūris
120 iki 2.650 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Oras , Neutralios dujos , toxic , combustible , explosive , corrosive , mixed
be alyvos

VMY serijos biodujų kompresorius

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
300 iki 9.500 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
mixed , biogas , biomethane , Proceso dujos
su alyvos įpurškimu

VMX serijos biodujų kompresorius

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
100 iki 2.500 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
mixed , Proceso dujos , biogas , biomethane
su alyvos įpurškimu

C serijos biodujų kompresorius

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
150 iki 1.900 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
biogas , biomethane
be alyvos

VMX sraigtinių kompresorių pakopos su alyvos įpurškimo funkcija

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
70 iki 3.180 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Oras , Neutralios dujos
su alyvos įpurškimu

VMY serijos sraigtiniai kompresoriai su alyvos įpurškimo funkcija

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
70 iki 11.000 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Proceso dujos , Šaldymo dujos , Neutralios dujos , flammable , oil-compatible , mixed
su alyvos įpurškimu

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai be alyvos – VRA serija

Sraigtiniai kompresoriai
Srauto tūris
300 iki 75.000 m3/h
Darbinis skystis
Neutralios dujos , toxic , corrosive , flammable , mixed
be alyvos