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Aerzen Turbo G5plus: more compact, more efficient, simply better

Premiere for the new turbo generation


With the new generation Aerzen Turbo G5plus AERZEN has developed the most compact and efficient turbo in its class.

Turbo G5plus.
AERZEN sets standards with the new generation Turbo G5plus.

The now introduced series Aerzen Turbo G5plus lives up to its name, because it convinces through numerous advantages. The new turbos have an extremely compact design and require very little space. Further outstanding features are the innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology (> 55 kW), which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves the total efficiency significantly. A further advantage: an additional motor throttle or a sine filter, which have to be used on conventional frequency converters, is no longer necessary.
A further decisive development are the new air foil bearings with double coating consisting of Teflon and graphite. It convinces through an increased temperature resistance and lifetime of > 80,000 hours of operation independently from start and stop cycles.
Aerzen Turbo G5plus is offered for volume flows from 300 m³/h to 8,400 m³/h and for a maximum pressure of 1,000 bar. Eight sizes from the small AT 25-0.8 G5plus to the largest model AT 200-1.0 G5plus are currently available, five more are in preparation.

The advantages at a glance

  • Increase in energy efficiency by up to 10 percent compared to conventional turbo technology
  • Extended bearing life thanks to innovative AERZEN air foil bearings with double coating, maximum reliability even under extreme operating conditions
  • 100 percent oil-free
  • Low maintenance effort, only regular filter change
  • Extended application possibilities at ambient temperatures up to 50 °C
  • Active pump protection through automatic speed increase
  • Space-saving design

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