man in blue with helmet

Edition 02/2017

Article and compact news

La nostra rivista clienti "AERZEN” ti fornisce periodicamente informazioni dettagliate sull'azienda, sui nostri prodotti e sulle nostre soluzioni applicative.


Customised compressed-air solutions from one single source

Aerzen Systems: complete packages around two-stage, oilfree compressing screw compressors

The name of the company is their programme: Aerzen Systems GmbH offers complete compressed-air system solutions from a single source. Conception, planning, installation and maintenance – all of this plus more, including complete packages for customer-specific realisation of compressed-air stations.

Picture of the AERZEN Systems Team
Team Aerzen Systems (f.l.): Tim Schultze,
Florencio Cabanillas and Eugen Dirksen

For the last eight years, Aerzen Systems GmbH has been responsible for the business of customised two-stage, oilfree compressing screw compressors. “Customised” means: that solutions from Aerzen Systems involve special designs which precisely meet customers’ needs and specifications. The technical heart is a modified AERZEN screw compressor capable of operating in a bandwidth of between 5 and 10 bar (g) pressure, with volume flows of between 600 and 8,000 m³/h and at driving speeds of between 90 kW and 1,000 kW. All accessories, such as compressed-air filters, driers and reservoirs, superordinated control, pipings and exhaust air channels can be included, if necessary. Aerzen Systems offers maximum flexibility, as Managing Director Tim Schultze makes clear: “Unlike our competitors, we are not restricted to certain manufacturers or products, so, the customer gets either the best, or the most suitable, accessories for his project. Moreover, we only work with standard parts which can be purchased on the open market. “All details are fixed during project discussions with the customer at site.  

“There is nothing, that we cannot manage“

VMT 4 W Compressed-air assembly
VMT 4 W Compressed-air assembly, used in food industry

However, this AERZEN subsidiary focusses not only on providing quotations for complete compressed-air stations, but also offers interested parties an extremely broad range of other services. These include the provision of advice, planning support, project management (including expediting and site supervision), assembly, commissioning and after-sales service, as well as plant monitoring with vibration measurements or using the WebView module from AERZEN. Moreover, the portfolio includes special solutions and equipment – whether it involves external installations for operation in extreme cold or heat, drives with turbines or Diesel engines, designs for explosive ambient air (ATEX) or with HOC-driers (heat of compression) for utilisation of compressor waste heat, as well as assemblies for compression of inert gases such as argon, helium and nitrogen. “There is nothing, that we cannot manage“, says Schultze. The capabilities of Aerzen Systems includes a large-scale project at a company in the packaging industry in Berlin. There, a new compressed-air station needed to be planned, all components hat to be purchased, the old station had to be demolished during live operations, the emergency supply had to be provided via rental Division, the new station had to be installed, including piping construction, insulation work, as well as electrical cabling, then the rental compressors had to be dismounted, and finally, the new station could be completed. Aerzen Systems has obtained around 150 orders such as this in the last few years. The company is called upon wherever oilfree compressed-air is required as the driving medium for machines, for example, in power stations and refineries, chemical, steel and food industries or at gas manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. From its central, and very conveniently situated, location in Hanover, the Aerzen Systems Trio (see Infobox) also serves international customers and interested parties for AERZEN subsidiaries, particularly those in neighbouring European countries. The proximity to the head office of Aerzen means that assembly inspections and factory visits can easily be arranged for customers.  

Oilfree compressing screw compressors are completely on trend

Tim Schultze,Manager Aerzen Systems
Tim Schultze,Manager Aerzen Systems
There is nothing,that we cannot manage.

Aerzen Systems has become firmly established in the market with its range of services – and the signs are that growth will continue: After the first quarter 2017, which saw the best level of incoming orders in the company’s history, a successful presentation at ComVac followed in Hanover at the end of April, with a new visitor record at AERZEN’s booth and correspondingly a lot of contacts. “The fair reflected the increasing trend of screw compressors with oil cooling to oilfree compressing screw compressors which offer compressed-air of high quality,“ adds Schultze, who looks forward to ComVac 2019. With a new generation of machines, AERZEN will also serve the standard market for two-stage, oilfree compressing screw compressors – appealing perspectives for AERZEN customers which also suggest that there are good prospects for Aerzen Systems to expand strongly.

Concentrated know-how: the Aerzen Systems Team

VMT 1 L compressed-air assembly
For the food industry: a VMT 1 L compressed-air assembly with compressed-air drier and compressedair filter

All three Aerzen Systems employees have many years of experience in the compressed-air industry. Tim Schultze was part of the foundation team, and since April 2013 has had overall responsibility as manager. He is an economic engineer (BA) and Master of Science in Industrial Engineering. At the beginning of 2014, Sales Engineer Florencio Cabanillas moved over from AERZEN sales office North in Walsrode to Aerzen Systems and is mainly active in acquisition. Eugen Dirksen is a qualified technician and is primarily responsible for project management in internal services.

Contact information for Aerzen Systems:

  • Telephone: +49 511 646628-11
  • Web:
  • email:  

Compact news


Discovering potential and creating transparency

Load operation in wastewater treatment plants is subject to wide variation. The amount of wastewater to be treated – and its level of pollution –will change depending on region, time of day, day of the week, season, or amount of rainfall – often without warning. With the new AERaudit service, AERZEN measures the air volume requirements of a wastewater treatment plant and shows the individual saving potential. Equipped with a mobile measuring case which includes sensor technology, energy counter and data logger, the AERZEN service team screens the blower station. On site, i.e. at the wastewater treatment plant, all necessary operating data (volume flow, system pressure, temperature, kW-rating) is measured and recorded live for a defined period. The recorded data is then assessed in detail at the offices of AERZEN’s parent company. No weak load or peak load remains undocumented. On this basis, the AERZEN team develops one or more possible solutions customised to the individual plant. The objective is clear: to provide utmost energy efficiency. Customers are provided with a transparent and comprehensive presentation of the load profiles and energy consumption of the blower station. In addition, AERZEN documents an individual solution involving the various machine technologies of the Performance³ portfolio (Blower, Hybrid, Turbo). AERZEN illustrates the potential for saving energy and CO2 in the plant, and the payback periods that can be achieved.


Safety standards for the pneumatic industry: new brochure

A unique selling point of AERZEN products is that our silencers are free of absorption material. Thus, this feature has been included in the leaflet portfolio. The new brochure Safety Standards (A3-121-00) provides information about oil-free operation of AERZEN assemblies, as well as about the increased energy efficiency and lifetime extension of process air systems thanks to AERZEN reactive silencers without absorbent material. Please have a look at this new brochure.

The AERZEN duo in Argentina

New Aerzen subsidiary in Argentina

On 1st May 2017, Aerzen Argentina S.R.L. commenced business operations, headed by Alejandro Knoop, based in the suburb of Vincente Lopez of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. Cristina Pilz is working for Aerzen Argentina as the office’s administrative assistant. There were two reasons for the foundation of the 49th AERZEN subsidiary: on the one hand, a U.S. company had taken over the AERZEN representative in Argentina, which had been working for us there for 37 years, and this led to the fact that AERZEN products were no longer in focus; on the other hand, the arrival of the new Argentine Government has been accompanied by signs of an economic upswing. An important partner is Germany, as it became clear on the occasion of Angela Merkel’s visit to Buenos Aires on 8th June. Alejandro Knoop was also invited to the gala dinner with the Argentine President Mauricio Macri and the Federal Chancellor – a great honour for him and Aerzen Argentina. In the initial phase, Aerzen Argentina will focus on serving existing customers. The wide distribution of AERZEN machines in many main applications provides a good basis for the successful establishment of this new subsidiary. In 2018, sales and service activities will be extended.


Aerzen U.S.A. opens sales office in Houston

Aerzen USA based in Coatesville, Pennsylvania is on an expansion track: This is evidenced by the recent opening of our American subsidiary’s first regional sales office in Houston, Texas. We will now have the opportunity to support our numerous customers in the Gulf of Mexico region directly and more intensively, while also gaining new customers. There are many important refineries and petrochemical plants on the Gulf coast, where our blowers for pneumatic transportation and our process gas compressors are in operation. “Close cooperation with our customers is the key to our mutual success,” says Tony Morris, Managing Director, Aerzen U.S.A. On 20th April 2017, many customers and business partners celebrated the Open House day of the new office in Houston. Employees mainly in sales, application technology and support work in this building, which is also equipped with a conference and training room.